What in the world is Geomancy?

From Ancient Greek γεω- (geō-), combining form of γῆ (gê, “earth”).
1. Earth
2. Geography

From Ancient Greek μαντεία (manteía, “divination”).
1. Divination
2. Variety of magic, especially that controlling or related to a specific element, substance, or theme.


The study of Geomancy, essentially, is the study of the magic of the Earth. One of the foundations of this is Solar (or Sacred) Geometry, which follows the path and pattern of the sun as it rises and sets on the longest and shortest days of the year. Tracking this pattern on the horizon in alignment with the East and West points of the Equinox sunrise and sunset results in a rectangular pattern called the Solsticial Quadrilateral. You may recognize variations of this pattern as it exists as a base in Neolithic and Megalithic sites throughout the world. Stonehenge in England is only one example, and includes a circle of stones placed around a central point of reference to mark various days of a calendar.

The size and shape of this foundational rectangular structure changes as the angles of the sun change across the range of latitudes and shape of the Earth. As the Earth spins in its own orbit, it generates a field of electromagnetic energy. This field in turn connects and responds to the electromagnetic energy that we receive from the sun. The harmonization of the earth energies combined with the cosmos in this way is called the Solar Net. People who are sensitive to energies can feel the frequencies in these patterns resonate within their bodies, and sometimes are also able to see the energies manifested in various colors. Plants and animals thrive when they are able to be in connection with this grid.

Other frequencies on and around the planet can create similar types of electro-magnetic nets. These outside frequencies, such as those generated by high-powered electric lines, can have a detrimental effect on living things and their surroundings. There are many types of naturally-occurring earth energies in existence as well, fault lines and underground streams of water will all generate some type of measurable frequency in the area. Studies have shown that these frequencies may be associated with higher rates of cancer in a location as continued exposure to the frequency can have detrimental effect on the bodies of those who live there. There are different terms associated with these energies, from the common reference to stray voltage from electrical lines to the more esoteric and exotic names like tiger lines or dragon lines. Harmonization of earth energies is sometimes referred to as “taming the dragon”, and the classic artistic productions of St. George and the Dragon are a representation of this in that location.

Solar Geometry

The pattern of the Solsticial Quadrilateral is known in Alchemy as an attractor. When a structure is built in a place, the energies of the Earth and Sun begin to balance and can have a beneficial effect on the plants and animals that live there. This is truly a sacred and harmonious structure, and the space within can be used to recharge your energy. These patterns and measurements have been used to design Cathedrals and temples around the world for this very reason.

Historically, it was necessary to mark reference points in person on the dates of the Equinox and Solstices, but thankfully the work of Master builders and mathematicians have brought the science and formula of this Geometric study from the past into the present through their training.

Geometry is a visual form of harmony: the harmony of parts with each other and with the whole. The world is composed of diverse and contrasting elements. It is harmony that restores unity to the contrasting parts and weaves them into a cosmos.”
~ Jonathan Quintin Art

The mandala is a printed pattern of Solsticial Quadrilaterals and elemental circles that represent the most beneficial frequencies for a location.

How can I help you?

The geometric mandala that is designed for your place is a visual representation of the frequencies of elements and musical notes. Some of those patterns are more beneficial than others, and by mapping them they can be implemented into your space for harmonization and activation.

Use your personal mandala for small crystal grids, tabletop layout, or as a meditation blanket. The mandala will be customized for you with exquisite patterns and colors to complement the elements and chakras.

  • Personalized instructions and suggestions
  • Latitude, chakras, elements, and musical notes are labeled clearly
  • Your name can be added at no extra charge
  • Convenient and Portable
  • 100% Cotton

Are you looking for a larger scale to harmonize the energies of your place? The fractal measurements can also be used to design and implement structures like meditation gardens, a labyrinth, a stone circle, or even the architectural design of your home.

harmonize your

home & officefarm & livestockgarden & ecosystembody, mind & spirit

… through the alchemy of Elements and Music